Monday, December 13, 2010

Seeding the Cloud

I continue to prepare for the CR-48 by feeding the Chrome Browser with apps and extensions.

Pixlr Editor
- Now here's a photo - image editor that I took a liking to immediately. It shouldn't take too long for me to adjust to it since my needs are fairly simple. Replacing Paint Shop Pro should prove painless.

- Why not? 1 gig of space to store photos is going to come in handy. My web site server already has about that much and is pushing the limits of my hosting account. The 70 gig of photos on my hard drive is already backed up on a portable drive and I don't think I even want to attempt storing all those on line.

I've stuck a few tools on the address bar of the browser I've found much more convenient to use than my old ways.

  • A simple calculator is just a click away
  • Screen Capture - I'll be trying more out to see which I like best
  • Web Developer - this allows me to 'play' with the css (of which I'm slightly beyond clueless with) to preview any changes on my web site. Not only is it much easier to play with than my regular HTML text editor - it allows me to copy the code and paste it in my editor if I do stumble across something I like.
  • Resolution Test - Since I play mainly with basic HTML I always need to see what my site looks like in different resolutions. Changing my monitor resolution was always a pain. Now I can go through a whole set of changes without fussing with settings. Now it's easy and instant. Way Cool for me.
  • Whois Lookup - I often check whois information.and this little tool sitting next to the Bookmark Star has proved to be quite handy.
  • Ad Review Toolbar is a must have for AdSense Publishers. Now you can get the advertisers URL from any type of ad. No more hiding behind a flash anymore.
Outlook Express -  gone the way of the Pony Express. It's history now. I don't use gmail but I do connect directly to my email providers now.

The Chrome Web Store has proved to be the kind of store I really like. So far everything I picked up has been free. But shopping can be a hassle, I don't know how many time I've gone through everything to check if something new has been stocked. The store really needs a 'New Category' listing.

Wish List:
  • FTP - I can use the back end of my hosting account to get files from my portable drive but how do I get them there from my online storage services? Still checking and I'm sure a solution will present itself. Either someone will give me the answer or I'll stumble upon it.
  • zip file decompression - I no longer compress files. The days of dial up and watching every byte is over. I don't zip desktop wallpaper images any longer. Now, about the only need I have is to decompress zipped Flash game files. So far Open Rar Files Online looks handy enough but I'm going to save up a lot of zip files to do all at once since there's a fee structure. 
  • Surprise me
  • THE BIG ONE - I'm still designing and laying out web pages in a HTML text editor. There is nothing I can find on the web that even comes close to my old program - HomeSite 4.5 I know it's an old habit but I'm not ready to quit. Hell, I just bought another copy because I lost the original.
My CR-48 should arrive any day now. At least I'm prepared to take it out for a spin around the block now.

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